Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dagger Mastery

This is part of my art trade with EncrE610 who is a DA user.
He asked me for his blood elf sitting on a pumpkin only with a belt and the daggers, so I did.

I really like her expresion and the way she plays with the daggers is like "I did this to a giant pumpkin, imagine how fast I can empty you"

So Silky belongs to EncrE610
And art by me
And I bet that Blizzard own something too.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Brace Yours(Elves)


Because now DA, FA start to get flooded with christmas draws and stuff, whishing a good new year and all that. But lets face it, christmass is awesome as long as there are sexy santa dressed women!

Not much to say abour the draw itself. It's christmass time and for some reason it seems that some elfs and demons celebrate it... well... showing affection.

Isn't pump's hat just so awesome?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Through the darkness and flames

This is a draw for Narokh because he is nice and kind, and let's face it, Dragons are awesome :D

Both characters Shyntrae and pyron belong to Narokh (I think O_O)

I haven't much to say, I hope you like it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


One does not simply ignore the instinct to hunt. So if you are a kitten and you see a bunny that isn't paying attention, that's something you can't let go.

The probable vengance would be turning on the vacuum and left him tied in the same room for hours. I bet in 5 minutes he is begging for a quick death.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Radish soaked in Mayonnaise, Pumpkin likes to push his luck, knowing that if she catch him he won't be able to sit again for at least a hundred years.

Got ya!

Wanted to make two new OCs so I came up with this two.

Zhalit, the alien/wasp/humanoid/dominatrix with a loooong wet tongue.

And the blue kitten... Havn't yet thought a name, probably Nick to say... Nick Furry. But I don't know. I think I'm going to use him much for bondage :3

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Warm Abyss

That's the awesome Efrejok's OC abyssal warrior. My drawing for him in our art trade. Don't know even if i am doing right xD first time I do an art trade, and you know it's like everything, first time always hurts.

I'll put here the link to the original character drawing

I have to say that it has been fun and challenging so this will encourage me to keep doing suff. I have many ideas, so little time.....

Sunday, November 18, 2012